adding value

Laying Out A Foundational Business Case And Building Up From There

MRE understands the importance of aligning solutions with business values. Before selecting any technology, MRE helps clients formalize a detailed Business Case which provides the context for any strategic IT decision. Well beyond simple calculations of direct financial benefit, improving software solutions provides a wide range of benefits, especially in Commodities. These benefits come in many forms and are often difficult to quantify. MRE’s mature Business Case framework, combined with our deep knowledge of the industry, allows us to help clients describe the true value to be realized by the business.

Industtrial workers gather around a laptop on a desk

Representing Full Costs Through Detailed Modeling

Understanding the full costs of IT solutions is often far more complex than just reviewing licensing costs provided by vendors, which typically ignore expenditures such as:

  • Detailed Requirements Gathering
  • Customizations and Automations
  • Change Management and Training
  • Transition from legacy systems, including Data Migration
  • Infrastructure (Cloud or On-Prem)
  • Internal support costs

MRE provides a framework that delivers flexibility to adjust modeling to align with each client’s funding models, resourcing strategies, and capitalization time horizons. This enables our clients to have an eyes-wide-open view of the Total Cost of Ownership.

Our Experience

Charting Your Course Up The Maturity Model

With 25 years of experience across a wide range of clients in the Energy space, MRE has developed a Maturity Model to help clients understand where their organization stands today and where it should expect to be in the future. Whether a client aspires to be best-in-class or focuses on lean operations, understanding the characteristics and best practices of industry leaders helps clients focus resources where they will generate the best return.

Making An Informed Decision With Confidence

MRE comes to the table with a Requirements Database of over 1,000 detailed system requirements. They are a combination of generic and commodity-specific items which cover Functional, Technical, and Vendor fit. Clients select the items relevant to them, which typically cover 80% of their criteria, and add their own requirements to complete the full set. This list feeds in to MRE’s Assessment Framework where clients assign their own weighting at their preferred level of granularity, from the department level down to individual requirements. MRE works with the client and vendors to assess each option and assign both vendor-provided and client-provided scoring.

MRE understands solution decisions are more than a simple equation and will provide proper context around the analytical view. The result is a holistic assessment with clear executive-ready summary results, back by detailed evidence.

The right partner

Getting The Most Out Of Vendor Relationships

MRE serves as a vendor-neutral partner for clients navigating vendor relationships. In addition to clarifying scope and vetting functionality, we can play a large role in commercial activities. MRE can assist in negotiations with vendors in the competitive selection process, resulting in up to 30-60% discounts off initial per seat offerings. These discounts can be driven by size of the installation, strategic value, and timing. MRE also brings deep experience in reviewing legal terms across all major vendors.

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