Junior .NET Developer

  • Full Time
  • Houston, TX
  • This position has been filled

MRE Consulting, Ltd. (CK)

We are in need of a Junior .NET Developer, a software developer who specializes in using the .NET framework. Here are the key aspects of what this typically entails:

  • Proficiency in .NET Framework: The developer should be well-versed in the .NET framework, which is a platform developed by Microsoft for building and running applications. This includes understanding its libraries, tools, and runtime environment.
  • C# Programming Language: While .NET supports multiple languages, C# (C-Sharp) is the most commonly used. A .NET Developer is expected to be proficient in C#.
  • ASP.NET for Web Development: If the client is looking for web applications, the developer should know ASP.NET, a part of the .NET framework for building web applications and services.
  • Experience with Visual Studio: Visual Studio is the integrated development environment (IDE) most commonly used for .NET development. Familiarity with this tool is often essential.
  • Knowledge of .NET Core/ASP.NET Core: .NET Core (now just .NET) is the cross-platform, open-source version of .NET. ASP.NET Core is used for building web applications with .NET Core. This is particularly important for developing applications that need to run on different operating systems.
  • Database Skills: Experience with databases, particularly SQL Server, is often necessary, as .NET applications frequently interact with databases.
  • Understanding of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): .NET is based on object-oriented principles, so a solid understanding of OOP is crucial.
  • Front-End Technologies: Depending on the role, familiarity with front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like Angular or
  • React might be required.
  • Experience with Web Services and APIs: Knowledge of creating and consuming web services, including RESTful APIs, is often needed.
  • Version Control Systems: Familiarity with version control systems like Git is usually expected.
  • Soft Skills: Strong problem-solving abilities, good communication skills, and the ability to work in a team are also important.


Overall, a .NET Developer should have a comprehensive skill set that covers the .NET framework and associated technologies to build robust, scalable applications

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